Hell, yes, Julie!

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Thanks for your enthusiasm Kathleen!

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Well written. Let’s not forget it was Commissioner Brandon Johnson that gave the 1st community session sharing info about Covid 19 when all other elected officials were silent

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Thanks for sharing that good information Sheila! And for stopping by, and your kind comment!

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Julie, I am concerned about the lack of focus in this election on the major cuts being discussed and planned, and who's interests Johnson is really going to serve in office. Of course there is no question who Vallas works for.

But Johnson says, “There will be some tough decisions to be made when I am mayor of the city of Chicago. And there might be a point within negotiations that the Chicago Teachers Union quest and fight for more resources, we might not be able to do it. Who is better able to deliver bad news to a friend than a friend?”

I am so frustrated. I just can't bring myself to continue to support the more cuts to education, especially from one of our own.

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Lidia Ann, thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. I too dread "budget cuts" talk, and I hope that the schools aren't going to be the ones bearing the brunt of decades-long poor financial management AGAIN. I read Brandon's above remarks as an attempt to show he won't be a "union puppet"--an accusation his critics repeat ad infinitum. I think we have to trust that if he gets to serve as mayor, he will uphold the best interests of students and schools. Certainly he will do so better than Paul Vallas.

But someday, one way or another, the role and status that public school occupies in our national culture and priorities must change. We as a nation (well I guess I'd settle for we as a state) must care about our children enough to invest in them and place their education as one of our highest priorities and stop talking about how much we have to lop out of it. I long for that day!

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